Discover What Our Patients Say About Our Services

Charlotte Acupuncture and Wellness Center

“I have been seeing Todd at Charlotte Acupuncture over the last two years for severe back pain. I found his treatments to give me pain relief when my pain was at its worst, and I found him to be very professional and personable. Charlotte Acupuncture cares about their patients and went out of their way to accommodate my appointment time requests. I got great results and would highly recommend them.”

“In late summer 2009, I was suffering from extreme back pain and was tired of muscle relaxants and pain pills. I came to Charlotte Acupuncture (on a recommendation) and was amazed. All of my back pain was gone! I went again in December due to a mild flare up and have been great since! After being a Certified Medical Assistant for 12 years, I was a skeptic - but it worked - and my back has never felt better!”

“I used to have one migraine a week and sometimes more. They were horrible. Also, I have very dry skin and irregular bowel movements, lack of energy, low immune function, and depression--especially seasonal. Since I have been going to Charlotte Acupuncture, I have been feeling more emotionally balanced and calm. My energy is higher, and my bowel function has increased by about 50%. Oh, and no migraines! On occasion a light headache but no migraine!”

“I was plagued by migraine headaches for over 15 years and am now experiencing only a few mild headaches a week. I am off my daily medications and "rescue" headache drugs! I was skeptical at first, but on the advice of a good friend, called and made an appointment. I no longer worry about getting headache attacks and can enjoy daily activities that I was hesitant to enjoy before. The quality of care and attention to me as a ‘whole patient’ is unsurpassed!”

“I sought treatment over 2 years ago for management of migraine headaches. Within the first 2 months my headaches began to decrease in frequency, and I began to better understand and target some of my headache triggers. In addition to the treatment of headaches, I also experience relief from other conditions such as constipation, restless leg syndrome, and symptoms of menopause."

“I was diagnosed with both endometriosis and peroneal nerve damage. I underwent surgery for the endometriosis and it helped alleviate the pain for only 4 months. Since the surgery did not help, I decided to give acupuncture a try. I started to feel much better after my first few sessions. The experience I had at Charlotte Acupuncture is unlike any other. They truly listen to your needs. I was accustomed to living my life with daily pain, and now I can happily say that I am pain free.”

“I started seeing Todd last year while pregnant. I had and still have a wonderful experience every time I'm in. I enjoy the laid back atmosphere, and Todd is more than helpful. I go in with pain and leave feeling like a new person!”

“After having my little boy, I developed carpel tunnel syndrome. Since I was nursing him, I was unable to take the supplements recommended for this condition, since they would pass through the breast milk. Acupuncture was my only hope. Two treatments improved my hands 75%, and within 3 treatments I had no more pain, numbness, or tingling in my hands. I was amazed! I continued acupuncture every other week and remained symptom free. I am so grateful.”

“I go for treatment for several conditions, but initially I went for pain from chronic tendonitis. Acupuncture has helped me minimize & manage the pain. I like acupuncture because there are virtually no side effects & the results come quickly.” “As a first time acupuncture patient, I did not know what to expect. After my first treatment, I got more than I ever imagined! The staff is great at making you feel like a patient being cared for and not a rush job!”

“I was having complications with a case of tennis elbow. Two days after treatment, and ever since, the pain I had in my elbow has gone. Several years later, I had the same symptoms in my left arm. After one visit, the pain disappeared. I am so thankful for a small annoying pain in my elbow to be out of my life.”

“I was treated several times for pain in my foot. It would get worse for a day or so, then got much better - exactly as I was told it would. The overall experience and level of care received were excellent, certainly far better than a doctor's visit. I always felt respected and was treated with great care and compassion.”

"I have experienced TMJ pain for over 30 years and have avoided traditional surgery and muscle relaxing therapies for relief. While going through some especially stressful times these past few years, my grinding and clenching became so painful I found it difficult to open my jaw wide enough to eat a sandwich. Ibuprofen became a daily necessity. I was also receiving treatment for depression and anxiety and the last thing I wanted was to add more pills to my routine. After doing some research I went to Charlotte Acupuncture and worked with Todd. His approach to my treatment was very professional and Todd brings a great deal of medical knowledge to the plan. He does not 'oversell' the service, is very supportive by partnering with you in your treatment development and shows a high level of integrity and knowledge. He inspires confidence through a very calm and reasonable approach. The very best part of the treatment for me was the big surprise in added benefits! I expected the TMJ pain relief. I did not expect to recover my old levels of energy, feel the need to exercise and sweat again, sleep better, or lose some of my more annoying food and drink cravings. It was as if the old person I was (before anxiety, depression, and hormonal changes) resurfaced. I am under a doctor’s care and have successfully taken prescriptions for anxiety and depression for a year and a half. The turning point for me was the acupuncture treatments. Within three days of my first appointment I found myself at Weight Watchers and booking a trainer at the YMCA. The TMJ pain is under control and three months (and 15 pounds!) later I plan on seeing Todd on an as needed basis...for either pain relief or weight loss!"

“I originally came to Charlotte Acupuncture seeking treatment for infertility and symptoms regarding endometriosis. After just 2 months of treatment my symptoms diminished significantly and I became pregnant after 6 months of treatment. I now have a beautiful 6-month-old baby girl and I am still free of endometriosis symptoms!”

“My husband and I had tried to get pregnant for 2 years. I had gone through 3 expensive and very stressful fertility treatments. In desperation, I sought out a different approach, acupuncture. After 3 months with Hope, I got pregnant. 39 weeks later, I gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby boy. I am so thankful to Hope because I truly believe she was instrumental in our success. Besides being highly skilled, she is kind, gentle and very positive.”

“I was told by fertility specialists that I had less than a 5% chance of conceiving. After working with Hope for about 2 months doing a combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbs and diet, I was pregnant and had a wonderful, healthy pregnancy resulting in our beautiful baby girl. I cannot say enough about how incredibly supportive and helpful Hope was throughout my fertility journey. I recommend her to everyone and feel so blessed to have found Charlotte Acupuncture!”

“I tried acupuncture out of desperation due to years of unknown infertility issues. I immediately felt comfortable with Hope. I am so thrilled to say that after seeing Hope for four months I became pregnant. I saw Hope throughout my pregnancy and experienced no sickness or complications the entire time. I highly recommend this course of treatment to anyone having infertility issues. Big thank you to Hope and Charlotte Acupuncture for helping give me a beautiful, healthy baby boy!”

“I was new to acupuncture all together and nervous about doing it, but was desperate to have a baby so I thought I would give it a try. Well needless to say, I now have a 7 month old now and was 'very' relaxed for an hour every week while I was a client! Hope and Charlotte Acupuncture were not only a Godsend for my infertility, but a true blessing, as I feel I made friends for life! I couldn't be happier. And for what I got in return, I'd do it all over again! Thank you guys! You're the best!”

“I started acupuncture treatments/Chinese herbs w/Hope in March 2008(I was 40) after being told by an infertility specialist that my FSH was 37 and therefore, my only option to have a baby was egg donation. After only a month and a half of seeing Hope, I found out that I was pregnant! Our healthy baby boy was born February 2009. Words cannot express how thankful my husband and I are to Hope and all that she has done for my family. We are truly blessed to have found her!”

“The reason for my treatment was to combine IVF (2nd try) with acupuncture (1st try) for infertility due to high FSH and maternal age. My treatment outcome was successful; I was able to become pregnant (twins) doing a combination of IVF and acupuncture. I believe acupuncture played an important role in my success. My overall experience was highly professional and individualized for my particular need/s as well as compassionate. I am forever grateful to Charlotte Acupuncture. Thank you!”

“After years of trying to get, and stay pregnant, I sought acupuncture treatment to accompany and enhance 'western' infertility treatments. I was so pleased with the care that I received from Hope. Her knowledge and support really helped me during such a stressful time. I am happy to report that we now have a beautiful daughter and another baby on the way!”

“I had treatment for assistance with fertility. Everything that was going to be done was thoroughly explained to me. In my case treatment was a success, and I became pregnant two months after treatment. The level of care was exceptional from the check-in to the treatment table. I recommend Charlotte Acupuncture for all your acupuncture needs.”

“Hope treated me for a variety of reasons--infertility, allergies, and depression. She put me at ease immediately. My allergies and depression improved dramatically. I believe that my success in getting pregnant is directly related to acupuncture. Hope provided me with physical and mental support during the long journey of infertility.”

“I went to Hope Peek for treatment related to infertility. Hope was absolutely wonderful - I eventually was successful with IVF and have a beautiful daughter now, after being turned away by every doctor in Charlotte. I definitely owe part of my success to Hope and her diligence. I found her to be kind, thoughtful, thorough and highly competent and skilled. She was also a trusted friend and confidante during a horrifically stressful time in my life. She is absolutely wonderful.”

“I sought acupuncture to complement my infertility treatments. Hope really took the time to listen to what I wanted to achieve and took great care to ensure I understood what she/we were doing. Going in for treatment was enjoyable. And the office was great with making appointments. I ended up getting pregnant - and gave birth to a healthy boy. I plan to return when we try for child number two.”

“I received acupuncture for fertility and it worked wonders! I got pregnant on my first IUI. I would highly recommend their services. They are great practitioners who really care about their patients!”

“It has been several years since I have visited Charlotte Acupuncture, but I highly recommend them. I used their services prior to a round of IVF. Acupuncture was a part of the protocol the fertility clinic used. Prior to the acupuncture, the blood flow to my uterus was not optimal, but after acupuncture, it was much better. We had a successful IVF procedure, and delivered a healthy baby boy 9 months later, I believe in part thanks to acupuncture.”

“Hope and the staff at Charlotte Acupuncture are great. They are kind, professional and honest. Hope's treatment has made me happier, and healthier. And most of all, I love having an alternative to western medicines (that I feel are often unsafe and ineffective). If you go to Charlotte Acupuncture with an open mind and heart, you will not be disappointed.”

“I have struggled with infertility for several years now, and Hope has been a tremendous help. Not only have I seen physical improvements from the treatments, but I also experienced a greater sense of emotional wellbeing. Hope is very knowledgeable and most helpful with any questions I may have. She brings comfort and hope to a very difficult situation. I'm truly thankful to have found Charlotte Acupuncture!”

“I began acupuncture as a supplement to fertility treatments. After regular acupuncture therapy I felt healthier, relaxed, slept better and was less emotional. Acupuncture helped me manage the physical and emotional stress of infertility. I felt a sense of balance as I continued therapy, which I believe helped me conceive a few months later. I cannot say enough about Charlotte Acupuncture's approach to treatment. I always felt comfortable and respected. I highly recommend Charlotte Acupuncture!”

“I came to Charlotte Acupuncture after many surgeries. I've been seeing Hope 2x/wk for the last few months & I've gotten my health back! I sleep better, my stomach issues have calmed and my energy is much improved. It's been the best thing I've ever done for myself! Hope is also supporting my fertility efforts. She explains things my doctor doesn't & my follicle count has tripled. I've referred many friends to see Hope & Todd - they truly heal with their hearts & hands.”

“After 3 failed IUI and 2 failed IVF treatments, I was feeling emotionally devastated and physically drained; my social life and my marriage were going down hill. I have been seeing Hope for over a month now, and I feel like myself again! I am going back to be an active person, reconnecting with friends, and most of all I have reconnected with my husband. All of this has been possible thanks to the professionalism and care of Hope…she is fabulous.”

“In the aftermath of two miscarriages, I sought the acupuncture care of Hope Peek at Charlotte Acupuncture. From the beginning, Hope was extremely helpful. She listened to every detail related to my health, both emotionally and physically. For anyone who has experienced a miscarriage, you understand the devastation of mind, body and spirit.”

“I came to Charlotte Acupuncture because Hope Peek had been recommended because I was trying to get pregnant. I had 4 visits with Hope, tried to get pregnant, and it was successful. The experience was amazing! I was relaxed and actually enjoyed the experience even though I was kind of skeptical, at first. I would recommend this to anyone who has an ailment or just needs help relaxing. I delivered a perfectly healthy baby girl.”

Charlotte Acupuncture and Wellness Center
Charlotte Acupuncture and Wellness Center

“Wanting to avoid medication for treatment of my anxiety and depression, I decided to try acupuncture. It has truly alleviated the 'ball' of anxiety in my chest and stomach, so I am very pleased with my results. The experience for me is very comfortable and relaxing. Todd is very knowledgeable and informative. I can see myself using acupuncture long term for my general well being.”

“I was under stress at work that I carried in my neck & shoulders. I tried massage & self-treatment without success. I then tried acupuncture…my saving grace. I researched practitioners and decided on Todd at Charlotte Acupuncture. He is very calm and supportive. After a few treatments, I was relieved of my neck and shoulder tension. I look forward to the treatments, which are soothing & relaxing. The level of care that Todd provides is outstanding, and I would highly recommend Charlotte Acupuncture.”

“Along with diet and lifestyle changes, the acupuncture treatments that I have received have significantly helped to reduce the chronic anxiety I experienced for many years. I know acupuncture has played a significant role in my progress and how much better I feel from day-to-day. I feel Hope & Todd bring expertise, caring and a sense of integrity to all that they do, most especially in their apparent dedication to my well-being!”

“I love coming in to get my treatment. It is the highlight of my week. I leave feeling relaxed and 'back to normal'. I stopped taking anxiety medicine almost 2 years ago when we started trying to conceive. I wasn't sleeping, I was crying all the time; I was basically a mess. I believe acupuncture has truly helped with my emotional health. I wish I could come in more than every other week. I recommend it to everyone!”

“I became a client with Charlotte Acupuncture in 2007 for stress management. The experience was so wonderful that I would still be receiving treatment if I had not relocated to another state. The level of expertise, the one on one attention, the overall experience was great. My stress level was dramatically reduced after beginning acupuncture, and I began to sleep through the night, something that I had not done for months! I would definitely recommend Charlotte Acupuncture to everyone.”

“I came to Charlotte Acupuncture seeking relief from IBS symptoms. During periods of stress, I was very uncomfortable and having symptoms was really interfering with my life. I saw on the Mayo Clinic website that some people get relief from IBS with acupuncture. I sought help 3 years ago and have been greatly helped by acupuncture and herbs. Whenever I have a stressful time in my life, I just call them up. Acupuncture has been a wonderful discovery for me!”

“While pregnant with my daughter, I had severe morning sickness. I couldn't get out of bed. I lost nearly ten pounds, because I couldn't keep anything down. My ob-gyn prescribed several anti-nausea drugs that caused terrible side effects. After 2 weeks of acupuncture (6 sessions), my morning sickness that had been completely debilitating was gone. The remainder of my pregnancy was great. If I have morning sickness during my next pregnancy, I will definitely return to Charlotte Acupuncture.”

“I have used Charlotte Acupuncture twice, at the end of pregnancies, to help relax and possibly get labor going. The first time, I went into labor only hours after my appointment! The second time, acupuncture did not help start my labor, but it certainly did help me relax during those LONG last few days and weeks.”

“I contacted Charlotte Acupuncture to help with whiplash pain while pregnant. Hope helped me manage the entire pregnancy (pain, nausea, relaxation), and I truly looked forward to every visit. After the baby was born, I continued visits for breastfeeding and back pain. My little one starts preschool this fall so I can return, happily so.”

Charlotte Acupuncture and Wellness Center
Charlotte Acupuncture and Wellness Center

“Charlotte Acupuncture gave me back my life! I initially went to Charlotte Acupuncture to help with loss of balance and severe fatigue that numerous doctors had been unable to treat. I felt so much better after just one treatment, and I continue to feel better now than I have in almost 20 years! Hope and Todd are extremely caring and knowledgeable and make you feel comfortable right away. I highly recommend them to anyone for any ailment, no matter how small or large!”

“Hope is wonderful! I am a middle-aged woman trying to defy middle age. Hope was able to help me with allergies, energy, menopause issues, diet and mostly overall health and mental wellness. I highly recommend acupuncture and herbs.”

*Please note that there are no guarantee of results and individual results may vary