Acupuncture: An effective treatment for Acute or Chronic Pain
Acupuncture Treatment of Pain
Acupuncture is most widely recognized for its ability to effectively treat many types of pain. Acupuncture has a long and successful track record of treating pain. Additionally, both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) acknowledge the efficacy and multiple benefits of utilizing acupuncture in the treatment of pain.
Advantages of using Acupuncture for the treatment of Pain
Acupuncture is a natural, time-tested, safe, effective, and drug-free approach to eliminating pain. Unlike most methods for managing pain, acupuncture has very few side effects. Furthermore, acupuncture may work to help resolve the underlying cause of the pain, not just mask it. Research suggests that acupuncture treats painful conditions by:
Painful Conditions commonly treated with Acupuncture
The list below contains examples of painful conditions commonly treated with acupuncture. This list is certainly NOT all-inclusive. If you do not see your condition listed below, please contact our office to see if it can be treated with acupuncture.